Month: February 2014

Game Dev Feb. Texture makin

Hello guys

This week I’ve been focusing on making a tile that can be used as a ground layer on any level of the game. The idea with the tile is to make it connect with itself in any direction.
The making of the Stone tile works like you create a few lesser pebbles with reasonable detailed, for this tile I aimed to create something in our aimed art style. One thing that could be done to the existing picture is to simplify the in the values to obtain the want feeling. The important thing when using this technique is to make the small pebbles really easy, the pebble shall not draw to much attention in itself.

Anyhow, with the small pebbles made I started duplicating them and turning each so they won’t feel repeated.

With the canvas filled with pebble I used to offset function to check how the texture worked out, editing it so it could connect with itself in any direction.

This technique is great way to make textures that wants a feeling of being a more cartoon and simple art style. Then it’s a matter of how detailed the first part is. If it stands out to much it’ll draw attention and then it’ll easy give out how it was made. Made right this technique is really valuable to make great textures.


I am certain that it can be used for other things as well as making pebbles, I’ve learned the technique from a hand painted grass texture tutorial. I’ll post the link down below.

This tile was originally set out to be the underwater mountain rock but looking at it makes it more suitable for corals or lesser rocks. I’ve been trying to find a reliable way to make a solid rock that can be repeated and fits into the world that we’re making.

I am happy how the Rock tile ended upp when it was done, what needs to be done now is to make a couple of tiles that shall be used as corners for the first tile. Making them means that the edges of each tile needs to be transparent so it can fit into the game world without any sharp edges.

For the next week I’ll be focusing on sound and design, I have been talking with people on the school and will be given accses to a sound room, giving me time to make all the sound for the game. The design part will be most focused on the design document and level design.

Over and out

Oh yeah. The link:

I hope it’ll help you out.

Game Development Week 5, Graphical Work

Hello people.

This week I’ve taken a minor step back from the design part. I am still lead design but I’ve been focusing on the graphical parts. I’ve been taking care of environment and power up icons, Speed, energy and light power ups. Each power up increases the speed, energy or light. The Game is going to contain three of each type, making it possible to upgrade the character speed, light and energy three times. It exist one of each type in every stage trough the game. Making of the icons was quite simple. The task was about to create something that fits into the universe that the game is made into.

PowerUp_Energy PowerUp_Speed Sprite_powerup_light

I made the icons as a bubble holding the upgrade. The idea is that the bubble is going to pop the moment it’s colliding with the avatar. I am founding it to be a problem with the icons, to form it as something that belongs in the world.
The icon I am most dissatisfied with is the speed icon, it’s made to resemble an arrow that increase speed as well as I tried to make it resemble a simple fish fin. I think it’s a lot more detailed than the other two, I have slight concern that it either is going to stand out to much from the rest of the art work or that it’ll convey a different feeling from the rest of the upgradable.
I am concern if the bubble’s is holding the standard that the rest of the art is keeping, that it feels out of the picture. I hope that they hold enough standard to convey the message of what they do and that they need to be collided with to be activated.

I feel that I am finally starting to get to terms with the making of the game and the routine of being in the production.
The oncoming week I’m going to focus a lot more on graphical production and keeping the design in mind. Hope fully we’ll pass the Alpha that goes off tomorrow. The team has been doing a lot crunching the last couple of days. Today the whole team sat together and really worked on getting parts of the game up and running. Last thing before I left was that the fish can now eat and die of starvation.

That would be everything from me.
Over and out.

Game development week 4, Design Document writing.

During the week i have been writing the design document for the game i am working on. In the start of the week the design document was containing around 800 words and a lot of unneeded material. During most of my monday i spent reading trough the Design document and commented on what was in need of cleaning and rephrasing. Throughout the rest of the week i have been reading others design document from earlier project to understand the structure of the document, how they formulate each section and the general feel of the document.

the design document in its purest form is the team’s go to guide for how stuff will work in the game. For example
there is a section called States in the design document, the section explains every state in the game such as Start menu, game, options, pause, game over and winning state. Even if i think every state is really self explanatory they needed to be written down. All state still needs an explination of what they contain such as buttons that leads to other states. Not that i am not writing the code for the states, i am simply explaining how the states is going to work with each other.

This picture explains the connection between each game state and modes. How the program can change between the different states and what state it can change to with the current active state. For example when the program is initialized you can either go in to the option mode to change settings or start the game; from Game state you can enter the pause state or you may activate the Game over/winning state, from both Pause state and Game Over/winning state you can enter start state again.

With the design document as a whole artifact i think my work could have been a lot more effective, to start writing the design document this week may have been a mistake. During the earlier weeks of production this document may have saved us a lot of time. in sens that everytime we discuss something and how it’s going to be, when that is decided it should be documented into the design document, that way whenever the production never needs to take the same decision twice. i’m as the designer is going to try and update the design document from now forward at least once a week. I believe that a updated design document is really healthy.

Over and Out Adam.
P.s there has been some problem with people unable to comment on the post. Hit me up with a private message or similar and i shall try to sort it out.